Monday, 31 January 2011

Scoliosis Definition

image source :

Scoliosis is a medical condition in which a person's spine is curved from side to side, shaped like an "s" or "c", and the spine may also be rotated.

Scoliosis is divided into three categories: congenital, idiopathic and neuromuscular. Congenital scoliosis indicates the patient was born with the curvature of the spine and is caused by a failure of the vertebrae to individually form or separate from each other. Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by a wide variety of disorders which include cerebral palsy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and myelomeningocele (also known as spina bifi da). Each of these categories is very different and requires different treatment interventions than adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
Idiopathic means the identifying cause of the disease/disorder is unknown. Research into the cause has targeted multiple areas and exemplifi es the complex nature of this disorder. The current consensus is that it is a multifactorial process that includes altered melatonin production, connective tissue disorder, skeletal muscle abnormalities, contractile protein dysfunction or a nerve function problem.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Spine Doctors

My dearest husband take an urgent leave today, he did some research about spine doctors in Jakarta, here is the result, thanks to him that I could post this information in this blog. I have made two appointments for tomorrow and next week with two different spine doctors, I have a strong feeling that my scoliosis is already need a surgery treatment, I think it's already more than 40 degrees, I don't know what is my next plan if surgery is the only way to give me back my normal activities and to reduce the pain.

Dokter Spesialis Spine:
DR. dr. Luthfi Gatam, SpOT.,FICS.,Spine Surgeon (K)
• Ramsay Spine Center, RS Premier Bintaro
(021) 7455 500 / 600 ext. 2511 / 2512
atau 021 999 22 546 dengan Donna / Susilo

• Mitra Kemayoran
Jl. HBR Motik (Landas Pacu Timur), Kemayoran, Jakarta 10630
Telp : +62 – 21 654 5555, 654 5888 Fax : +62 -21 654 5959

• Jakarta Spine and Orthopedic Surgery Centre, RS Pondok Indah
Jl. Metro Duta Kav. UE, Jakarta Selatan
Telp.: 021-7692252 ext 5214 (Hani)
Fax.: 021-7502324

dr. Rahyussalim, SpOT, K-Spine
• RSCM Kencana
Call center (24 hours) 021-39857799
Gd. RSCM Kencana. Jl. Diponegoro No. 71, Lantai. 4. Jakarta Pusat. 10430.

• RS Pusat Pertamina (Selasa & Jumat pukul 15.00 sd 18.00 dan Sabtu pukul 10.00 sd 16.00)

dr.Rizal Pohan SpOT(K)SPINE
• RS Mayapada

• RS Siloam
Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village
Jl. Siloam No. 6, Lippo Karawaci 1600, Tangerang 15811, Indonesia
Main Switch Phone Number: +62 21 546 0055
General enquiry e-mail address:

dr. Arsanto Triwidodo SpOT,FICS,K-Spine,MHKes
• Jakarta Spine and Orthopedic Surgery Centre, RS Pondok Indah (see above)
Jl. Metro Duta Kav. UE, Jakarta Selatan
Telp.: 021-7657525 ext. 1300, Direct-Line : 021-7500157
Fax.: 021-7502324

• RS Permata Cibubur

Prof. Dr. dr. Subroto Sapardan,Sp.OT
• Jakarta Spine and Orthopedic Surgery Centre, RS Pondok Indah (see above)
Jl. Metro Duta Kav. UE, Jakarta Selatan
Telp.: 021-7657525 ext. 1300, Direct-Line : 021-7500157
Fax.: 021-7502324

dr. Husodo Dewo Adi, SpOT, K-Spine
• RS Halmahera Bandung

• RS Advent Bandung

• RS Santosa Bandung
(022) 4248 333 ext 2000
(022) 4248 333 ext 2002

dr. R. Suhana, SpOT, K-Spine

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Yoga and Scoliosis

My mother is a doctor, I am a doctor also, Why it took me 26yrs to find out that I have deformity in my spine? I don't know, I don't want to blame anybody, even God, I know this happened because of a reason, or maybe reasons. I just need to find out what it is.

My husband and I spent a lot of time to find out scoliosis' treatment, then we found out about Ann Baros. She is a yoga teacher with over 30 years experience. She has led workshops both domestically in California and Colorado, and internationally in Singapore, Jamaica, Greece, Mexico, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, as well as as her beloved Bali, which has become her second home and remains where her heart is always. Ann first studied with BKS Iyengar in India in 1976 who personally guided her into curing her own scoliosis. I sent her an e-mail asking if she could give me some informations about practicing Yoga to deal with my scoliosis.

I do Yoga with my husband a couple months ago @JakartadoYoga, an instructor, a local one, I forgot her name, she told me that I have scoliosis, but I didn't believe her. Well... even she whisphered it but another class member could heard it. Was it embarassing? Yes, I thought so. That's why I thought she was wrong, but she isn't. Now I have an x-ray that proves that Yoga instructor was right!

I'm looking for a private Iyengar Yoga instructor now, I prefer a female one, I haven't get any information yet.

Up above is my first x-ray in my life. I went for a radiology test because my ECG shown a LVH result, the x-ray pic conform it, I have Cardiomegaly and another big surprise, a thoracal spine (dextro convex) scoliosis.


Grace artinya Karunia
Karunia adalah segala sesuatu yang baik yang diberikan kepada kita secara cuma-cuma padahal kita tidak layak mendapatkannya

26 Januari 2011
Keluhan nyeri dada disebelah kiri yang menjalar sampai keseluruh tangan kiri, leher kadang-kadang sampai sekitaran mulut yang selama setahun ini hilang timbul dirasakan makin sering sebulan terakhir. Seminggu ini jari jari saya sebelah kiri sering bergerak dengan sendirinya, tidak terkontrol, bukan tremor seperti gerak gemetar, lebih mengarah ke gerakan tersentak-sentak yang datang dan pergi sesuka hati. Selain itu, saya merasa jantung saya berdetak terlalu kencang, tidak cepat, tapi kencang. Gejala-gelaja yang mengarah ke penyakit jantung Miokard Infark ini membuat saya memutuskan untuk konsultasi ke seorang ahli jantung.
Hasil EKG menunjukan ada LVH, pembesaran ventrikel kiri jantung. Karena riwayat Hipertensi yang sudah menggerogoti 2 tahun belakangan tanpa terapi, dan hasil EKG sudah LVH, dokter memutuskan untuk memulai terapi hipertensi saya dengan B-Bloker mulai sekarang dan selamanya didunia ini.

27 Januari 2011
Saya menjalankan pemeriksaan Darah Lengkap, Fungsi Hati, Fungsi Ginjal, Hormon Tiroid, Gula Darah, dan Foto thorax

29 Januari 2011
Hari ini, saya memutuskan untuk kembali terjun ke dunia blogging, kembali berharap menulis dapat membantu saya berjuang dengan semua penyakit yang ada setelah hasil x-ray hari ini menunjukkan kalau saya menderita skoliosis berat diruas thoracal spine, ditambah... pembesaran jantung, ini belum lagi membahas hasil lab yang ada -.-'
Saya menghabiskan berjam jam didepan komputer dengan bantuan mencari info sebanyak-banyaknya tentang scoliosis, bagaimana perasaan saya? Tidak tau, berkecamuk, tapi saya sudah memutuskan untuk berjuang, memanfaatkan waktu hidup yang ada dengan berkualitas.

But anyway... my husband bought me a hairdryer and a straightener to cheer me up, it works, a bit :)
welcome to my journey